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RRB JE CBT First 22nd May 2019 Evening Shift Asked Questions

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RRB JE CBT First 22nd May 2019 Evening Shift Asked Questions

RRB JE 2019 CBT First have started On 22nd May ,On basis of students feedback who have attempted second shift here we are providing 22nd May shift question.

Note-RRB Wise different set given to each candidate.

We will update 23rd May 2019 questions here shortly.

General Knowledge Questions

On the bank of which river, Tokyo is situated-Sumida River

When was Capital shifted from Kolkata to Delhi-1911

What is the rank of India in “Global Hunger Index” 2018-103

Who is the author of the novel “The year of the runaways”-Sunjeev Sahota

First Test Match Played in India-Mumbai 1933(India Vs England)

Rajya Sabha Member Minimum Age-30 years

Name Of Ashoka Son-Sanghamitta, Mahinda, Charumati, Tivala, Kunala, Jalauka, Jaluka

Third highest branch wise bank-Canara Bank 6204

Silly point related to sport-Cricket

Pyramids in witch country -Egypt

Theme of water day 2019- Leaving no one behind/22 March

Energy Conservation Day-December 14

Dam on Krishna river-Nagarjuna

Raghunandan Vasant Gokhle won the dronacharya award in 1986, he was associated with-Chess

Author of accidental prime minister-Sanjaya Baru

Cleanest railway zone-South central

Ranji Trophy related to-Cricket

The Battle of Wandiwash was fought between-French and the British.

Chief Minister is popularly known as “Mama”-Shivraj Singh Chouhan

CEO Niti Aayog-Amitabh Kant

Hand in hand militry exercise-India & China

Himawari-3 Satellite  related to- Meteorology.

India is a democratic republic, because- The Head of the State is elected by the people

Who played the role of “Sonia Gandhi” in the movie “The Accidental prime minister ”-Suzanne Bernert

Last ruler of Maurya Dynasty-Brihadratha

The first Asian games were held at-New Delhi

General Science Questions

Acid present in atmosphere of Venus- Sulfuric acid

Deficiency of proteins in child- Kwashiorkor

Ophthalmologist-Specializes in eye and vision care

Vitamin C found in-Lemon

Who discovered Vitamin C- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Man-made fibre-Silk

C2H6O is also known as-Ethyl alcohol

Who discovered that malaria was caused by a protozoan parasite-Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran

Ores of Copper-Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) chalcocite (Cu2S), covellite (CuS), bornite (Cu5FeS4), tetrahedrite ((Cu,Fe)12Sb4S13) and enargite (Cu3AsS4).

PH value 4-5-Acidic

Composition of solder alloy-11% tin, 37% lead, 42% bismuth, and 10% cadmium.

Acid related to digestion in human body-Gastric juice

Role of RBC-Transporting oxygen

Animal have no teeth-Pangolins and anteaters

Unit of sound-Decibels (dB)

Intensity of sound measure in- Decibel

SI Unit of work- Joule

Valency of oxygen-2

Acid used in car battery-Sulphuric acid

SI unit of current-Ampere

Ranging between the PH value lemon juice is-2 to 3.

Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named-Fermi

Mirage is due to-Unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere

Blue colour of Glass is because of-Cobalt Oxide

Vitamins-1 Question

Resistance-2 Questions

Oxidation/Reduction-1 Question

Silver bromide reaction-1 Question

Nuclear fusion-1 Question

Focal length-1 Question

Vector/Scalar Quantity-1 Question

Mathematics Questions

LCM/HCF-3 Questions

Simple Interest/Compound Interest-3 Questions

Geometry-3 Questions

Mensuration-2 Questions

Trigonometry-4 Questions

Simplification-5 Questions

Average-1 Questions

Percentage-3 Questions

Profit & Loss-3 Questions

General Reasoning Questions

Missing Number-5 Questions

Letter/Number Series-5 Questions

Analogy-3 Questions

Venn Diagram-1 Questions

Mathematical Operation-3 Questions

Coding & Decoding-2 Questions

Sitting Arrangement-2 Questions

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