Regularization of PDL/TDL/ Daily Wagers: On December 16, 2022, the Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Limited’s Board of Directors met for the 10th time. As part of the meeting’s Items 10.3.1 and 10.3.2, it was decided that a group of officers would be put together to look into PDL/TDL cases and check the papers to make sure they are real.
In response to this ruling, a committee has been set up with the following members:
Shri Sandeep Seth is the Chief Engineer for Distribution at JPDCL in Jammu.
Shri Pawan Kumar, Assistant/Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Office, JPDCL, Jammu
The group is supposed to look into the PDL/TDL cases in depth and give the Board its report within a week. The report should have clear suggestions for how to get the cases back on track.
Regularization of PDL/TDL/ Daily Wagers
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