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RRB ALP Psycho/Aptitude Test Exam Pattern PDF

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Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) 2018-19 Psycho/Aptitude Test Exam Pattern

On basis of latest exam pattern of ALP Psycho/Aptitude test here we are providing RRB ALP 2019 Psycho test details.

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Exam Pattern PDF have given at end of post.

Total Test-5

1.(A)-Track Memory Test (B)-Number Finding Test (C)-Angle Memory Test (D)-Place Memory Test (E)-Figure To Figure Memory Test

2.(A)-6 Finding Test,(B)-9 Finding Test,(C)-Yes/No Test,(D)-Figure Place Test

3.(A)-Table Test Type-1,(B)-Table Test Type-2,(C)-Clock Test

4.(A)-Bricks Test,(B)-Hidden Cube Test

5.(A)-Similarity Test Type 1,(B)-Similarity Test Type 2,(C)-Similarity Test Type 3

Note-From A,B,C,D,E group only one test will be come to each candidate,It will be vary shift wise.

Detail of 5 mostly asked test as following

1.Track Memory Test-In track memory test candidate have to see station on track from Memory Page for 2 minutes after that memory page will be disappear and now candidate have to answer 12 question of question page within 2 minutes based on memory page.

Total questions-24

Per Set question-12

Total Set-2 Set

Total Time-8 Minutes (4 Minutes for each set)

2 Minutes for Analysis of Memory Page,2 minutes for give answer


Memory Page-Candidate have to see this page for 2 minutes and have to remember location of given station on track carefully.

Question Page-Now candidate have to answer 12 question based on memory page

Questions-(1) DAL (2) PAN  (3) MUB

Answer With Explanation

(1)-In memory page DAL on same location on which B on questions page so candidate have to choose B right answer.

(2)-In memory page PAN on same location on which E on questions page so candidate have to choose E right answer.

(3)-In memory page MUB on same location on which D on questions page so candidate have to choose D right answer.

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2.6 Finding Test-In 6 find test candidate have to find which option have 6 digit out of four option if more then one option have 6 digit Or no option have 6 digit then answer will be E other wise which option have 6 digit is right answer.

Total Questions-75

Total Time-5 Minutes






1 348765 392478 405398 593459
2 09684 40867 96797 24509
3 4321 9322 9722 0955
4 712309 398411 013288 032969
5 0548 8741 0897 1369

Answer With Explanation

(1) Option A has 6, so answer A
(2) Option A and B has 6, so answer E
(3) In any of the options there is no 6, so answer E
(4) Option D is 6, so answer D
(5) Option D has 6 so answer D

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3.Table Test-In table test candidate have to answer table based conditional questions.

Total questions-10

Total Time-5 Minutes

Example-See the table carefully

Question(1)-Which is the only number that appears directly above the number ‘1’

Answer-2 is above the number ‘1’

4.Bricks Test-In this test you will see a pile of bricks with some bricks labelled A, B, C, etc. Your task is to count the number of bricks that are touching bricks of the pile that has a letter on it. All bricks are of same size and shape.

Total questions-50

Per Set question-5

Total Set-10 Set

Total Time-5 Minutes


Answer-In the pile above the brick with an ‘A’ on it touches 5 other bricks

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5.Similarity Test-This is a test of how rapidly and accurately you can see figures in order to match them

Total questions-72

Per Set question-4

Total Set-18 Set

Total Time-6 Minutes


Answer-Look at the first figure “1” at the left. Which one of the five at the right is most nearly like it? You will find figure C is the one who similar with ’1’, so answer C has to be clicking mouse for Example 1.

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ALP Psycho/Aptitude Test Series 

otal Set-50 (Full Test-5 Battery)

Total Attempt-50 (Each Set Only One Time)

Exam Pattern-As per RDSO & TCS

Language-Hindi & English

Validity-Till Exam

Fee-Rs 200

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