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Processing System mediates between the input system and output system, which is
process of thinking as done by the computer. Processing Systems includes
1. Calculations
2. Comparisons
3. Decisions

The thinking process in the computer is done by manipulating the digital digits
as all information in modern computer is stored as a string of zeros or ones
off or on. 1bit= one on or off position 1 byte = 8 bits The entire processing
part occurs in the central processing unit of the computer system.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Central Processing Unit or CPU is also known as
the brain of computer where entire processing is done. Most of the computers
contain one processing chip.

This is the part of the computer, which controls the machine cycle. It takes a
number of cycles to do even a simple addition of two numbers. It performs the
various functions:
 Fetch: It gets an instruction from main
 Decode: It translates it into computer
 Execute: It processes the command.
Store: It writes the result to main memory.

 It is the part, which executes the
computer’s commands.
 It does either a basic arithmetic
operation or the logical comparisons.
 The arithmetic operation may include+ –
* /
The logical comparisons may include > < = not =

Machine Cycle Fetch In this cycle an instruction is fetched from the main
memory. Decode In this cycle, the fetched instruction is translated into the
computer commands. Execute In this cycle, the command is actually processed.
Store In this cycle, the result is written into the main memory. The immense
speed of the computer enables it to do millions of such steps in a second.

A memory address holds 1 byte of data where
 1 bit = 0 or 1/on or off
1 byte = 8 bits
1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes
 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes (K or KB)

Processor speed is affected by system clock rate.
The rate of an electronic pulse is used to synchronize processing.
 It is measured in megahertz (MHz) where
1 MHz = 1 million cycles per second or in gigahertz (GHz) where 1 GHz = 1
billion cycles per second

The Physical Components of a computer are directly involved in processing. They
 Memory device

This is a single silicon chip containing CPU, ALU and some memory.
The microprocessor chip is located on a large circuit board called the main
board or motherboard.
The physical size of a computer chip is very small.

They may include Vacuum Tube This is the oldest type that cannot hold up long
and generate a lot of heat. Core These are small metal rings that represents on
and off. They are relatively slow. Semi Conductor This is integrated circuit on
a chip. The modern computers use this for their memory. Motherboards The
motherboards have a number of slots for memory and all the slots contain the
same size memory board. Connectors This is the slot where cables connect to
motherboard for the things like hard drives, floppy drives and CD Rom drives.
ISA Slots This board has three slots for the things like video cards, sound
cards, internal modems etc. Keyboard Plug This is the slot where the keyboard
attaches through the back of computer.

There are four short slots for the semiconductor memory.
This board has two long slots for a new kind of memory called DIMM DRAM.
This board can support a maximum of 256 MB of memory.

PCI Slots This board contains four slots for the peripherals like video cards,
internal modems, sound cards etc. Power connection This is the slot where power
supply connects to the motherboard. Processor Socket This is the slot where the
processor plugs into the motherboard.

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