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Electrical Engineering-Advantages and disadvantages of A.C. over D.C.

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Electrical Engineering
Chapter 1 : A.C. Fundamentals
Topic : Advantages and disadvantages of A.C. over D.C.

Advantages and
disadvantages of A.C. over D.C. :-


  1. The
    generation of A.C. is found to be economical than that of D.C.
  2. The
    alternating voltages can be easily stepped up or stepped down by using a
  3. The
    alternating currents can be regulated by using a choke coil without any
    significant wastage of electrical energy.
  4. The
    alternating voltages can be transmitted to distant places with only a
    very small loss in a.c. power.
  5. Further
    a.c. can be easily converted into d.c. by using rectifiers.

  1. The
    a.c. supply is more suidical and dangerous than d.c. in terms of shock
    received due to them.
  2. The
    alternating current always flows on the outer layer of the wire. It is
    called skin effect. Due to this instead of a single thick wire used for
    d.c the specially designed wire consisting of a number of thin wire is
  3. The
    alternating current can not be used in electrolytic processes such as
    electroplating, electrotyping etc.

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